1.  Defensive Player of the Year Phoenix forward Clifford Robinson should get consideration for this award.

2.  CUNIBERTI-COLUMN (Undated) _ Bob Dole should get out on a book tour.

3.  Currently those immigrants must only get a chest X-ray to check for active cases and get treated before they come.

4.  Despite the drop in defense-related activity, the Southern California economy should still get 1 percent annual growth in aerospace for the next two decades.

5.  Despite the waiver, the participating hospitals still must get informed consent when possible.

6.  Davie should get a respite from the scrutiny when the Irish face Purdue on Saturday.

7.  Davis still must get approval of the league's membership at a special meeting the week of July 10.

8.  Directors should get out after seven years.

9.  Disney's animated musical, Hercules, should get the little ones bouncing happily in their seats to the feel-good music and even better comic adventures.

10.  DeMarcus Minor and his Baylor teammates should finally get a good night's sleep.

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