71.  Any soldier marking time until Kosovo turns into a ground war should snap up a copy and get ready for the worst, as seen through Mauldin's eyes.

72.  Dehoyos apparently was making a final attempt to persuade his wife to get back together after her July 26 petition for divorce.

73.  Deibel went to The Legend, a tavern, to get a relative to help him get the truck.

74.  Deion keeps calling, but is he trying to get a date, or just to tie up the phone lines?

75.  Deke, that's Zeb's boy, got all riled up, but he's fit to be tied most days 'cause he's 30 and still single.

76.  Del Harris has been trying all year to get them to play seamlessly with indifferent results.

77.  Del Tredici, who teaches at Harvard's Graduate School of Design, tries to get his students' heads out of the design clouds.

78.  Del Villar got his own chance at reform when President Miguel de la Madrid appointed him in 1982 to head a campaign aimed at rooting out corruption.

79.  Del Webb got the green light.

80.  Delacroix assumes the show will get him fired and earn him a generous severance package.

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