81.  As a Division II school, S.F. State could not offer scholarships, so Rowen found each player a part-time job.

82.  Despite differences with their predecessors, each achieved triumphs by staying the course of a bipartisan foreign policy.

83.  Currently each country has between 5,000 and 6,000 nuclear warheads deployed on land-based missiles, in submarines or long-range bombers.

84.  Currently each has more than 5,000 warheads available for use on intercontinental missiles or bombers.

85.  Currently the company operates two units that tour 95 American cities each year.

86.  Currently the council is composed of two representatives from each region.

87.  Currently we have $10,000 in each of the following funds: Nicholas, Vanguard Equity Income, Vanguard International, and Fidelity Magellan.

88.  Currently, 3.2 workers support each beneficiary, but by 2030 the ratio will be only 2:1.

89.  Currently, about $10 billion is spent each year to treat osteoporotic fractures.

90.  Currently, about 30,000 patients undergo stem cell transplants each year.

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