1.  Any place that pushes people to the edge _ and Las Vegas does that _ creates great drama."

2.  Any poker player will tell you that two of a kind is good and one of a kind does little.

3.  Any politician here who does so opens himself to charges that he is legitimizing terrorism.

4.  DENISON-COLUMN (Undted) _ When a company wants to develop a new product, what does it do?

5.  Dennis cares so much about bringing success that he takes it very hard when McLaren does not win.

6.  DeNucci, however, said Karam's response does not do justice to the gravity of his findings.

7.  Denver coach Mike Shanahan has not said which of them will start, although the Giants' defenders say it does not matter.

8.  Denver does a great job in the running game of the cutback runs.

9.  Denver is not the league's best team because of its defense _ does Denver even have a defense?

10.  Defining those terms is what a critic does.

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