21.  As Exhibit A, consider how swiftly the public and the news media rushed to assume the worst once Nina Shahravan claimed to have been sexually assaulted.

22.  As a result, Moody's Investors services said it was considering whether to lower Morgan's lofty Aa1 credit rating.

23.  As an example, consider how Clinton avoided the draft.

24.  Downs was flattered and paused only to consider how he could best accommodate the responsibility.

25.  During initial interviews on the subject in mid-March, foundation board members said they were considering how to advise donors of the change in focus.

26.  Drago instructed jurors to consider the contents of the letters only in determining Zamora's mental state, and not to consider whether the letters are factual.

27.  During the benefits enrollment season, workers obviously need to consider which doctors and hospitals are in a health plan's network and exactly what's covered.

28.  During the design phase, consider whether you want illumination.

29.  Earlier this week, the central bank's policy-making Federal Open Market Committee met to consider whether the federal funds rate should be raised again.

30.  During the days preceding each occasion, the Kourafases consider how they will mark it.

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