31.  It is important to consider which way the house faces, as that determines how much sun it gets.

32.  It is much easier to bury a problem than to consider whether our moral obligation lies elsewhere.

33.  It was a very good offer, an amazing offer, considering who it came from.

34.  Its purpose was to discuss the local situation and consider how the churches should respond to rising levels of poverty.

35.  Laing pauses to collect his thoughts when considering what was perhaps the most difficult Decision of his long career.

36.  Let us briefly consider how you might analyze this claim by means of the scientific method.

37.  Let us consider what would happen if the power to dissolve did not exist.

38.  Mr. Collins asserted that they had either such a right or at least a right that Lautro should consider whether to hear them.

39.  Now let us consider what Wittgenstein says.

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