1.  Both newspapers have said they were considering the situation.

2.  Every other part of the game, I think we did a pretty decent job considering the situation we're in."

3.  It's only natural, considering the situation in which Giambi and the A's have put themselves.

4.  Maybe Clinton has considered his situation and decided that, this time, there will be no comeback.

5.  Now that I thought about it, I was very disappointed last night, but considering the situation I'm in, I feel comfortable."

6.  Or, they would remember the NFL model and consider the situation of a Jerry Jones.

7.  PROFANITY Considering the situation, remarkably little.

8.  Should the Dow fall 350 points, trading would be halted for an hour to give investors time to consider the situation.

9.  That being the case, Saberhagen didn't have to make many mistakes to be in trouble, and he made more than enough, considering the situation.

10.  The phrasing was not free of awkwardness, but then consider his situation.

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