41.  A spokesman said the consortium was considering a judicial review.

42.  A teacher who has visually handicapped pupils in the class will need to consider these recommendations and implement them as necessary.

43.  A third way of considering expenditure distribution is via the allocation given to specific patient or client groups.

44.  A two-pronged helicopter attack with synchronised landings at both camps was considered the best option.

45.  Abalone are considered a delicacy in many fish restaurants.

46.  Adjustments are considered in the light of experience of the immediately preceding cycle.

47.  Administration officials said Wednesday that a bipartisan commission is one of several options the president is considering.

48.  After age thirty-five, contraceptive responsibility was considered a matter of mutual responsibility.

49.  After all, musical talent is often considered highly linked to mathematical ability, except when discussing black performers.

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