61.  So what should grandparents consider if they have a long time frame for their investment?

62.  So what does she consider a good investment?

63.  That means that the females actually prefer beautiful songs, even what humans consider beautiful.

64.  Then again, how could a possible one-loss season have been considered inferior?

65.  This handsome edifice with its Egyptian figures bordering its wide entrance houses what is considered the largest collection of Egyptian, Babylonian and Assyrian artifacts on the West Coast.

66.  To folks who might consider this something of a cop-out, Williams points out that only about a third of US households have computers.

67.  Today, what was recently considered a crime is almost ho-hum.

68.  UCLA, which considers Westwood and Pasadena part of the city, thank you, counters back with a jab at the Trojans in a print ad.

69.  Up until now, the Republican-controlled Congress and the Clinton administration have refused to budge on what both sides consider a litmus test of their core principles.

70.  What are considered jocks?

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