21.  If this approach fails alternative proposals will be considered.

22.  If this is your first Marine tank, I would not consider sensitive butterfly fish, or coral invertebrates.

23.  It will also be considered in some detail in parts of succeeding chapters on alphabetical indexing languages and alphabetical indexing systems.

24.  It will consider the conditions under which government policies have been conducive or a constraint to NGO activity.

25.  Judges will consider overall design, safety, level of fun and how the playground caters for children with disabilities.

26.  Later in the book we will consider alternative responses based on these intuitions.

27.  Lord Bingham will consider fresh representations from child killers and others who have not yet served their recommended minimum sentences.

28.  Many will consider this important because these can add warmth to appropriate types of text.

29.  Most people would also consider a scanner so that they can capture images and documents.

30.  No one but a native would consider such details, uninformative to the outsider, as worthy of note.

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