81.  Hershey's flavored milks are regionally distributed in the Northeast, but the company is considering marketing it nationally, Kinney said.

82.  Henry R. Silverman, the chairman and chief executive of HFS, said that the company was considering buying additional rental car companies.

83.  Hirabayashi said the company was particularly considering a lawsuit that would contend it was illegal for the government to make the sanctions retroactive.

84.  His company considered posting all job openings but decided the benefit didn't outweigh the expense.

85.  He wouldn't say what kind of proposals the company is considering.

86.  His readings of works by composers of the Second Viennese School show a real love for a style that record companies consider commercial poison.

87.  Holbrook said the company is still considering going public but declined to specify a date.

88.  His mission, which the company considers fulfilled, was to raise the brand recognition of the channel.

89.  Honorof said the company considers its end product "non-exploitive," while approaching the subject matter "head on."

90.  Hope said the company would consider boosting the payout next year if its expansion materializes as planned.

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