1.  Finally, the stereotype comes into being.

2.  Instead, stereotypes come out of human nature more often, in another word, unconsciousness.

3.  Stereotyping often comes with ultra and extreme ideas about what we do not know very well.

4.  All those conceptions come from stereotypes.

5.  Those who are careless about their dress may come from common family and easy to get along with.

6.  Society may come to view it as a reality rather than a representation.

7.  Here comes the stereotype on campus.

8.  Therefore, stereotype of people from different areas is easily coming into being.

9.  Thus, discrimination comes into being, which is quite unfair for the exceptions.

10.  To welcome the freshman to come to the fascinating university, two boys with a excited mood have come back to their dormitory, instead of enjoying the valuable time with their busy parents at home.

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