51.  As a team, we're not clicking offensively.

52.  Dicky Barrett feeds change into a pay phone and a few muted clicks later all is right with the world for several reasons.

53.  During this preseason, he's been working on timing patterns with Bledsoe, and by the end of camp, they were clicking.

54.  Director Mel Smith, a sure hand at slapstick, keeps things clicking along until a rather disorienting change of scene for the finale.

55.  Each site is connected to the others in the ring by a hypertext link so people can click to go from site to site in the ring.

56.  Each time the mouse is clicked while the program is running, a record is made of what ad was displayed at the time.

57.  Each title bar contains a Minimize button that sends the windows swirling into the Dock when clicked.

58.  Each wore sensors to track wrist extension while scrolling and clicking.

59.  During one conversation with a member of the Klan's women's auxiliary, who was unwittingly implicating the Klansmen, the tape recorder clicked off loudly.

60.  During that day, the sponsors' ads appear when someone clicks a button labeled "Donate Free Food."

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