1.  In all cases the module descriptors are free-standing with clear indications of entry level.

2.  It was also the first clear indication of Britain putting its economic interests before those of the politically persecuted.

3.  Provide clear if indirect indications that the interview is ending.

4.  Resentment of this magnitude was a clear indication of the failure of the avowed policy of pacification and Romanization.

5.  The fading colours and yellowish transparent appearance are clear indications of iron chlorosis caused by deficiencies in iron and trace elements.

6.  The failure to win additional numbers for the expansion we have achieved is a clear indication of that movement.

7.  There had to be very clear indications of joint working.

8.  This is a clear indication of a central principle of planning for Cramlington.

9.  This is an extensive site with clear indications of buildings and levelled platforms.

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