81.  Quite a few people choose to travel in groups of two or three yachts while free sailing.

82.  Quite a lot of young girls, however, choose not to sue for child maintenance.

83.  Rather, Mr Bush is choosing horses for courses.

84.  Readers at Borders Books shops helped to choose the short list.

85.  Sadly, it chooses to evade these issues rather than to confront them.

86.  Schools in three contrasting areas at different stages of developing their planning have been chosen to provide a suitable sample.

87.  She chooses to paint objects and settings that reflect the natural pleasure and sympathy she has with her daily life.

88.  She is choosing her words so carefully that her friend can picture the dueling waves that she describes.

89.  Shropshire has been chosen as the sole representative for Britain.

90.  So they choose to plant grass and root crops in the few fields on the lower slopes.

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