1.  there just 2 farms and more less woodes, maybe we can lisen the cring of the farm.

2.  I really didn't think we could make very good friends because excessive enthusiasm would always overwhelm me.

3.  Looking into her eyes through her dainty glasses, I could always see kind expression.

4.  I was even shocked then with my mouth and eyes widely open because I just couldn't imagine that a "gentle and quiet" girl could dance so enthusiastically before.

5.  Considering my own experience, now I begin to believe that everyone could be surprisingly versatile and unique.

6.  So staying Gulou could be easier for me to do things of mine.

7.  So you can imagine how many people use the subway in the rush hour.

8.  I can not take the subway or I have to late for the lessons.

9.  The professors thought that they are the elite so they can do it by themselves.

10.  But we cannot.

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