91.  As a day trader, buying and selling stocks as short-term investments, McGonigle is well-acquainted with serendipity.

92.  As a director, Redford is too savvy to buy into the warm-fuzzy myths of nostalgia.

93.  Demand for the notes will weigh on the rupiah, as investors sell their rupiah for dollars to buy the notes.

94.  Demand from U.S. roasters is lackluster because many bought coffee earlier in the year when forecasts for smaller crops in Latin America raised concern that there could be shortages.

95.  Demand is also rising because new homeowners want to buy before the nation's consumption tax, now 3 percent, rises to 5 percent.

96.  Despite Ebersol's prediction that the millennium would arrive before baseball returned to his network, NBC did buy back in.

97.  Currently foreign investors are limited to buying a maximum of 10 percent of any bill issue and must hold bills to maturity.

98.  Currently, a person who buys a book or CD can read it over and over again or loan it to friends.

99.  Currently, an estimated 100,000 people receive telephone service over their cable lines, including 24,000 who buy the service from MediaOne.

100.  Currently, capacity is so constrained throughout the optical network industry that customers are forced to buy amplifiers and lasers and other components wherever they can find them.

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