1.  But Stack is a big idea, big picture kind of guy.

2.  If macroeconomics concerns the big picture, it must also concern the biggest player, the government.

3.  In the big picture, the Rams were nothing more than a speed bump on the road toward the Super Bowl.

4.  My plea is for balance and for concentration on the big picture.

5.  No one in the boats has the luxury of seeing the big picture, of viewing Fuji majestic in the distance.

6.  On the wall there was a big picture of Sir Anthony at the piano.

7.  Stand back from time to time and take a look at the big picture.

8.  They see the details but miss the big picture.

9.  They specialize in the big picture and are no good at details.

10.  This is no longer a team involved in the big picture.

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