61.  As a child, he had spent so much time there he had worn a path through the garden between the two houses.

62.  Cuomo asked Laurino, and then he posed the question that became her book's title, establishing between them a bond of ethnic ambivalence.

63.  Depp can choose between the governor and his child.

64.  Depressed and angry, Beurklian alternates between a father's anguish and a jeweler's vengeance.

65.  Deputy Police Chief C.B. Jackson said all three had been killed between midnight Saturday and 8 a.m. Sunday.

66.  Delegates to a national conference on forest policies ended their deliberations Saturday without resolving the most bitter disputes between environmentalists and the logging industry.

67.  Delfina, 3621 18th St. (between Dolores and Guerrero), San Francisco, Calif.; (415) 552-4055.

68.  Delivery of the planes will be staggered between 1997 and 2002.

69.  Dell's gross margin, the difference between revenue and production costs, increased to 22.7 percent from 22.2 percent.

70.  Dell's new Coppermine systems score between 1 and 42 percent fthan current Pentium III models in various benchmark tests, according to a company spokesman.

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