71.  Currently playing some of the best hockey in the NHL.

72.  Currently the best CD rates in the nation are 7.91 percent for a five-year Jumbo CD.

73.  Currently the sport operates under a hierarchical system that rewards the best teams and punishes the worst.

74.  Despite Forbes' best efforts to placate them, the national antiabortion organizations remain unimpressed.

75.  Currently, finding which drugs work best in a patient is largely a trial and error process.

76.  Currently, only a few New York barbershops give shaves, the best known of which are in the St. Regis and Plaza Hotels.

77.  Designers have more concerns than just getting the best price on excess shirts; they also need to protect their brands.

78.  Despite having the best game-day coach in the business in Bill Parcells, the Patriots won't be able to stop the Packers.

79.  Despite her best efforts, something goes awry.

80.  Despite his best efforts, Bryce struck out in getting any autographs.

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