1.  Any sense that, 'Yeah, we're OK,' that would be fooling ourselves."

2.  As at almost any international meeting, there was jockeying to get in diplomatic verbiage which can mean different things to different people _ or nothing at all.

3.  As Australia pulls off an Olympic feat that ranks among the smoothest in modern memory, that's the question everyone here is asking.

4.  Cuffy was testifying as part of his deal for immunity in the Brown killing.

5.  Deputy Mayor Robert M. Harding, who is leading the city's negotiating team, did not return calls requesting comment.

6.  Dellenbaugh's association with the team began in August 1993 when the all-female idea was taking shape.

7.  Despite a lot of announcements this year about how much better the food was going to become for air travelers, recent personal experience begs to differ.

8.  Curb Records is the primary sponsor, although Boat said additional funding is being sought in the Phoenix area, Boat's hometown and base for the team.

9.  Current union rules bar the MTA from laying off any workers as long as there is outside contracting.

10.  Demand for its services ballooned because people are living longer and investing more of their money in retirement plans and mutual funds, Carter said.

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