1.  Departing with the arbovirus center are Dr. Robert B. Tesh and Dr. Robert E. Shope, its two chief researchers.

2.  Depending on how much weight's on the boat, there are four sacks that can be filled to add 1,000 pounds to augment the wake.

3.  Depending on one's point of view, there are several possible villains in the unfolding Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky saga.

4.  Depending on the people you work with, it's kind of a communal art form, so I can kind of transcend my own ideas and limitations.

5.  Depending on the season, there are kitchen and garden tours of private homes and art exhibitions.

6.  Depending on which team you want to win the series, there are two answers on what it was that gave the Knicks the edge.

7.  Depending on whom _ and when _ one asks, there were 22 million adult Americans on the Internet last August.

8.  Depending on whose argument is being made here, there may be crucial scholarly distinctions at stake.

9.  Depending on your focus and needs, there is a wealth of technological innovation available to make your driving experience not only safer but even more pleasurable.

10.  Depending on your individual financial situation, there also are some specific investment options that you might want in your plan.

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