1.  Almost to a man, football coaches say place-kickers live in a universe few others ever visit _ or even consider visiting.

2.  Almost to a man, players interviewed say that the workouts have been much tougher than last season.

3.  Curiously, many top female chefs say their mothers didn't encourage their career choices, perhaps for fear that it would reinforce negative feminine stereotypes.

4.  Curiously, Richman says that places named "Don's" or "Joe's" have a better chance than most of offering good food.

5.  Curiously, the Mariners say the reverse is true.

6.  Currently, 96 percent of Americans say they are believers.

7.  Currently, Bagne said she is in negotiations to sell two franchises.

8.  Currently, Ethyl says it is selling its additive to a group of unidentified, independent refiners.

9.  Currently, farmers like Borden say milk production is off because of the heat.

10.  Currently, the Canadians say they'll lift it next year.

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