41.  In any event, the leaders of the strike considered the day a success, saying the message had been sent that they wield significant power.

42.  In addition, some employers now consider spending on mental health care a smart investment, on the ground that it fosters a productive work force.

43.  In fact, he considered it a grand, grown-up gesture when Mitchell came knocking on his office door first thing Monday morning, groveling for forgiveness.

44.  In fact, he considers the postcards and their suggested names as artistically important as the sculpture itself.

45.  In contrast, Chinese and other Asian families today still consider the extended family a strong source of support and comfort.

46.  In fact, most consider his airline a promising, tightly run organization.

47.  In essence, Eibert considers the cloning ban unconstitutional, because the state has no right to prohibit a technology that would allow a person to have a child.

48.  In fact, experts consider toughness an essential attribute of weeds.

49.  In fact, he considers his pursuit of ghosts a full-time occupation.

50.  In fact, Russell considered attending Miami, along with UCLA, Cal, Notre Dame, Nebraska and Michigan, until he settled on USC.

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