1.  Finally, the stereotype comes into being.

2.  Instead, stereotypes come out of human nature more often, in another word, unconsciousness.

3.  Thus, discrimination comes into being, which is quite unfair for the exceptions.

4.  However, skill comes from practice.

5.  After all, we come to college to acquire knowledge.

6.  Finally Clyde came over this crisis.

7.  At least, you come across more words by memorizing the word lists.

8.  Nowadays, as the slogans promoting justice and liberty have widely spread, the speech given by Obama on races has broadcasted through the internet, the issue of races and groups comes into our sight again.

9.  Firstly, boundaries come into being when the world is born, which will also exist until the end of the world.

10.  Now we come to the truth that we should combine reading with memorizing which generally make great effects on our English learning.

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