1.  As a result Thomas Lewis may take most of the duties against the Redskins.

2.  As a result, an organizational policy shift has taken place, with the team pursuing deals to trade Patrick Ewing, according to an Eastern Conference official.

3.  As a result, Clinton strategists say, Republicans should take a lion's share of the blame.

4.  As a result, shareholders have taken a bath, analysts said, with the bank losing more than $30 billion in market value.

5.  As a result, some countries have taken matters into their own hands.

6.  Currently individuals can take a tax deduction of 20 to 40 percent for charitable donations.

7.  Currently, she and other mission specialists are taking robotic arm training in preparation for a visit to the space station.

8.  Currently, students can take remedial courses throughout their college careers.

9.  Currently, the search is taking Felipe to Japan and well-known companies like Sony Corp. and Canon Inc. that he believes the market wrongly undervalues.

10.  Dog it and you're taking money out of your pocket.

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