101.  Any prolonged disruption in copper production at Escondida often sends world copper prices higher.

102.  Dennis was shot after answering a call from Flores' sister at the family's home in northwest Harris County.

103.  Dennis Wilson, a former Johnson County state representative who runs the unclaimed property operation for state Treasurer Tim Shallenburger, shakes his head at it all.

104.  Dennis Woessner, a corporate bond trader at Standish Mellon, was on the phone with a broker at Salomon Smith Barney in New York at the time.

105.  Dennis, 49, is an old hand at stirring things up.

106.  DENNIS, Mass. -- Jan. 17, 2001 -- SKA-KIRK-BOS -- Ice skater Jennifer Kirk 16, at the rink in Dennis last wek.

107.  Dennison said Petty would return for the circuit's next event, July 23 at Pocono Raceway in Long Pond, Pa.

108.  Denniston Reid during his sixth grade math class at Bronx Prep.

109.  Denny Crum at Louisville?

110.  Denny Crum, at Louisville, and Everett Case, the former N.C. State coach, are the others.

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