1.  Deputy District Attorney Robert Hutchins had asked the judge to order David Van Blarigan's return, arguing that his well-being at the program in Jamaica was in question.

2.  Deputy Solicitor General Paul D. Clement, arguing for the federal government on the maritime commission's behalf, was not spared the justices' skeptical questioning.

3.  Deputy Treasury Secretary Stuart Eizenstat defended the administration's policy, arguing that the frozen assets of a terrorist country can be a significant bargaining chip in international relations.

4.  Denton knows how to argue with people without offending them.

5.  Denver argued that municipal bond issuers are exempt from private securities fraud lawsuits.

6.  Cuban officials argue that their country supported these athletes, nurtured their skills, then saw them lured off by richer lands as soon as possible.

7.  Derber argues that such tactics erode people's trust in society: "People emerge from these kinds of experiences feeling betrayed, manipulated and angry."

8.  Del Tredici argues in a similar vein.

9.  Delaney argued the Pep'e-Fareri building was needed.

10.  DeLay argued that the group was necessary to return Republicans to their grass roots.

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