71.  Because I need a warm home, I don't want everyday when I go back home I find my parents and my wife are arguing.

72.  Even this is possible to happen, there are still many workers have strong self-discipline, and are well worth trusted.

73.  It is partly because children are more open now , and partly because the student now are acceptting the same education no matter which sex they are and who they are .

74.  Most people come to the point that the communicates between the boys are primarily by working together , while girls talks more to bind a relationship.

75.  Three myths: "Offshore drilling would be an ecological disaster, " "America is a profligate waster of energy, " "Conservation is the answer to America's energy problems, " are targeted on the "Myths we wouldn't miss " - Oil corporation advertisement.

76.  The students bear great pressure, among which some are from parents, and some are from peers and themselves.

77.  Based on different gender, of course , and personalities , as for men, what they persue for are the right , wealth , and good reputation they spare no efforts to establish.

78.  First, people, who are less self-control, are much easier to be addicted into the Internet, especially those children.

79.  One stick to their opinion that due to the different natural genders which decide people's organizational structures and interactive norms, men and women's are just like people from two planets, while the other believe there is no hinder in communication between them.

80.  He won't seek excuses to escape when your are in trouble but confront it with you bravely and without a fraction of minute of delay.

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