71.  Therefore, under the advantageous situation, women grab the opportunities vigorously and bravely to integrate into society and they endeavor to share responsibility with men.

72.  I will study harder from now on and hope that my application ability of English will be improved more or less after the hard learning during this semester .

73.  Most important of all, it raises the quality of life and signifies that China's improvement of living standards.

74.  I hope the fact that women play different roles is more a personal choice instead of social stereotypes and biased labels.

75.  English learning in the past years cultivate a good sense of language for me and improve my reading .

76.  Women seem made to be water, soft and clean, always in the arms of men.

77.  Secondly, every week, I will choose an English literature and translate it to Chinese.

78.  In usual time, I will watch English movies and listen to English music to improve my English.

79.  Only in these ways can I improve my English day-after-day, and in the end reach a relative high level.

80.  Because most women are patient and careful, they can take good care of children and give students suggestions in acceptable ways.

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