1.  As the counting in Florida continued, it was not clear whether Gore's contention that he won the popular vote nationwide would hold up.

2.  Detroit won that game, too, 6-2, against Maple Leafs goaltender Ken Wregget, who now is the Red Wings backup.

3.  Dusty Rhodes won that first game with a 10th-inning shot to right field, and the Giants swept the next three without breaking a sweat.

4.  Els, who, of course, won that U.S. Open playoff, is an overwhelming presence when he has things under control.

5.  Everybody's trying to win, if you don't win that money's not there.

6.  Exxon won that right in an auction only to lose it after Russian companies complained that it received too advantageous a deal.

7.  Gooden last won that many when he recorded 19 in 1990.

8.  Had D.A. Johnson won that case, other D.A.s would know they could ignore pressures from the governor."

9.  Had Davis won that case, the general assumption was that he would have used his new fortune to break his lease in Oakland.

10.  Had they won that game against the Browns, the Jets would have been playing for the AFC championship.

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