1.  Even when the war started, she believed that she could live with the Serbs.

2.  However jarring analysts find the new license, few believe that turning back the clock to a more wholesome era would work.

3.  However, Derungs's attorneys, Brasier of Dayton and Robert Stein of Cleveland, said they believe Wal-Mart has a policy against breast-feeding in its stores.

4.  However, Welshman Ncube, the secretary-general of the Movement for Democratic Change, said he believed that the violence was coordinated by the government.

5.  However bland normalcy may be, Ms. Zwilich believes that it is the wave of the future.

6.  However, the school's owner, Joseph Ricci, said he believed the classmates were lying.

7.  If a man can't fulfill his duty, I believe the marriage contract is void and my conscience is clear."

8.  If a negotiated settlement falls short of NATO's goal, Zimmerman believes that the Serbian leadership could still threaten Kosovo's Albanian population.

9.  If all of the key parties are at the table, I believe that an agreement is possible by May.

10.  If Americans understand what right-wing ideologues want to do to the environment, I believe they will strenuously object.

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