1.  Denise Pointer had just turned in with her dentist husband, Gary Pointer, when they were thrown from their beds.

2.  Derek Harper and Dale Ellis then turned it into a personal rivalry.

3.  Department stores, which had been posting strong gains in same-store sales, turned in slim increases for August.

4.  DeSimone would have turned 24 on Oct. 18.

5.  Della Valle recently turned over the day-to-day operation of the business to Andrea, his younger brother, leaving him free to think big for the future.

6.  Desperate, Rambis turned to Tyronn Lue in hopes of shutting down Johnson, who already had 10 points.

7.  Despite a poor 22nd-starting position, Marcis turned in an 11th-place finish in the second Twin 125 race Thursday.

8.  Despite a seemingly stable home life, however, Corniel gradually turned away from his family and toward the streets.

9.  Derek Lowe turned 24 years old on Sunday.

10.  Derrick Adkins, the 1996 Olympic 400-meter intermediate hurdle champion, turned back Tyree Washington to win the men's 500 yards in 56.75.

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