1.  (Mrs. Oh and her daughter were not the only people to try this means of glimpsing long-lost relatives.

2.  Does he accept the possibility that he may not get any of his $1 million back, or does he try other means?

3.  If trying means showing up for the game, then the Red Raiders, who finish at 6-6, tried.

4.  Korean banks say they may try other means of raising their BIS ratios such as selling bonds to the government or cutting back loans to Korean companies.

5.  Now it's time to try legal means."

6.  The government tried various means of getting unemployed Israelis, who number 102,000 in a population of 3.5 million, to take the jobs.

7.  The millions of young people without jobs try any means to get by.

8.  The Metro Task Force didn't even interview the suspects or try other means to tie the particular suspect to the alleged meth lab.

9.  They have tried political means, but say the board is far too powerful.

10.  Vincent has already tried conventional means of working his way to the top at Gattaca, but in his case a janitor's job is the limit.

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