1.  David once had stones thrown at him on the streets of Tashkent.

2.  During an end, each curler throws two stones, alternating by team.

3.  Earlier, Protestant thugs had thrown stones at students as they tried to enter Holy Cross.

4.  Earlier, they had thrown stones, and one of them had punched a police officer, breaking his nose.

5.  Executives with glass ceilings shouldn't throw stones.

6.  Everyone has frailties, so don't throw stones."

7.  First, the Israelis offered him leniency in exchange for providing names and information on local leaders or friends who were throwing stones.

8.  Fitzsimmons isn't throwing stones.

9.  For those of you who now want to rush out and buy one, close your eyes and throw a stone and you'll probably hit a vendor.

10.  From Beaufort we drove to the Israeli border, where Lebanese now come to throw stones at the Israeli guards.

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