1.  Although it is only 309 feet down the right-field line, a home run needs to carry over a 25-foot wall.

2.  As Bonilla lamented Friday, "I needed to get at-bats this spring, because I didn't want what happened to me last year happen again."

3.  As a new racing week begins Wednesday, he needs nine victories to tie the mark.

4.  As children get older, they need to be taught to care for others _ lessons that should not be restricted to the holiday season.

5.  As computer games move toward becoming interactive movies, producers need to be aware of what makes a good movie.

6.  As developers want to buy land while prices bottom out this quarter, they need to keep cash flows up.

7.  As Fran Muncey likes to joke, "No one else needed to talk because Bill did the talking for everyone."

8.  As Hawkins realizes, the Sonics need to toughen up or ship out.

9.  Even after Chandler got up he needed crutches to walk.

10.  Even if we didn't win the game, we needed to show them something to carry over to Game 4.

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