1.  As a final project, students can write their own science fiction story to learn the components of the genre.

2.  During the 1989 Tiananmen demonstrations, students wrote in their own blood to petition party leaders for more democracy.

3.  During the final stages of Onassis' illness, and again just after her death, the students wrote letters to Tempelsman asking for the return of the artifacts.

4.  Each student instead writes on the same narrow topic.

5.  During the course of their three years at CalArts, playwriting students will write six plays.

6.  Excerpts from essays that students wrote some from students at schools within blocks of the World Trade Center and in session when the planes hit.

7.  Every student writes each day _ and spelling and syntax count in the grading.

8.  Everyone knows college history professors get research help from graduate students, but the students don't write or organize the works.

9.  Flowers and 6,000 origami cranes, each bird folded from paper on which a student has written a wish for peace, are placed before the monument.

10.  For an exhibition, students write and present a research paper in science and math and two in humanities.

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