1.  Departments that haven't received their appropriations for fiscal 1996 were forced to begin furloughing employees after the expiration at midnight Friday of their temporary authority to spend money.

2.  Dell and other PC makers spend relatively little on research and development because Intel and Microsoft spend the money for them.

3.  Currently, Medicaid money must be spent on hospital care, not on less expensive outpatient care in clinics.

4.  Despite a Republican call for increased Pentagon spending, there is no consensus over how added money should be spent.

5.  Customers could transfer cash from their bank accounts onto the cards at automated teller machines and spend the money at 600 merchants.

6.  Customers were spending more money."

7.  Democrats believe the government can spend money more efficiently and more wisely than the people can spend their own money.

8.  Despite some howling from feminists, America will still allow money to be spent by aid agencies overseas on other forms of family planning, such as contraception advice.

9.  Democrats prefer to spend the money on specific programs or initiatives, such as school construction or hiring more teachers.

10.  Democrats said the provision would benefit only the top 25 percent of earners, who they said would not be likely to spend the money immediately.

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