1.  Arthur Ashe is shown in an interview early in his career looking toward his own legacy.

2.  Anyone who failed to come up with the required profits, or who dissented from the manner in which these profits were contrived, was shown the door.

3.  As a prelude to this great event, spectators are shown bright little rosettes flashing on and off at the bottom of the bowl.

4.  As a result, 100 of the 450 works on display are being shown in public for the first time.

5.  As a result, doctors were rarely shown making mistakes or driving fancy cars, much less cursing or having sex.

6.  Derek Ayers, a junior receiver, was shown how to stretch the defense with his speed.

7.  Designer apparel, at $400 and up, is shown alongside less expensive look-alikes.

8.  Daily prices and availability are also shown for the week before and the week after.

9.  Details of fasteners are shown at larger scale, leaping out from the diagram in little circles.

10.  Detainees could never be shown on-camera.

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