1.  Doyle therefore plans to send what instruments it gets for sale to London.

2.  Enter the Escape key, which can pull a message back from the brink just as it is being sent _ if you're quick enough.

3.  Ethiopia sent what an envoy called a "very belligerent" letter defying the council and rejecting mediation.

4.  Fidelity started sending what it calls a "summary of the prospectus" this summer to clients who invest in the firm's funds via 401(k) retirement plans.

5.  Executive Editor Galen Gruman also resigned and was escorted out of the building for sending what Bunnell called "poisonous e-mail."

6.  He added that his office was looking into the practice of companies sending what is essentially cargo as checked baggage.

7.  I also confess concern about the signal that would be sent if the Senate adopted the Harkin amendment.

8.  I could write my stories wherever I happened to be, connect through a phone and send what I'd written into the newspaper computer.

9.  I sent a note over to Richie Phillips congratulating him and asking them to send whatever magic potion they used over to us."

10.  I just go where I'm sent whenever people call and ask me to come.

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