1.  ART: 2 color photos of fire have been sent to NYT photo clients.

2.  ART: A chart has been sent to NYT graphics clients.

3.  ART: A graphic comparing open and closed office space has been sent to NYT graphic clients.

4.  ART: A graphic showing Hale-Bopp's orbit has been sent to NYT Graphics clients.

5.  Deputy Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers and Federal Reserve Board Governor Laurence Meyer have been sent from Washington.

6.  Despite Florida's reputation for punishing young criminals, the majority are not sent to adult courts.

7.  Despite the family closeness, Griffin was sent away to the Fay School in Southborough, Mass., at the age of 11.

8.  Despite the good outing, he was sent back to Oklahoma City when Gross returned.

9.  Dad was sent to Allenwood in 1977.

10.  Daily smog forecasts are also sent.

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