1.  As anyone who has spent time in Brazil can attest, Brazilian celebrations don't usually require elaborate justifications.

2.  As a guest star, Clemons doesn't require any special handling.

3.  Delays due to air traffic control would not require compensation.

4.  Currently, Czech law doesn't require a buyer trying to acquire a company to declare their intention.

5.  Currently, they are not required to do so.

6.  Czech regulations do not require disclosure when someone acquires controlling, or even a majority stake, of a company.

7.  Despite the public-private partnership that built BOB, the team is not required to file financial information with the stadium district.

8.  Developing countries -- a majority among the 160 nations in Kyoto -- wouldn't be required to act, though.

9.  Developing nations are not required to cut emissions.

10.  Developers would also not be required to abide by certain restrictions on building heights and setbacks from the street.

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