1.  Almost unnoticed was the fact that the Bruins were put to sleep by Philadelphia, 3-0, for their third straight loss.

2.  Dan Reeves on Thursday put to rest speculation about his future with the Falcons.

3.  Danforth's 149-page interim report exonerates Attorney General Janet Reno and, he hopes, puts to rest conspiracy theories about Waco.

4.  David Eichenbaum, the communications director for the Democratic National Committee, said: "This move should put to rest any of those concerns.

5.  Deuteronomy 28:7 "May the Lord deliver up to you the enemies who attack you, and let them be put to rout before you.

6.  Death meant being "put to bed with a shovel."

7.  Doctors treating AIDS now say they are often hard put to cover their costs.

8.  Domestic investors will have cash to put to work and intend to buy longer duration paper.

9.  Despite strong warnings, millions of American infants are being put to sleep in positions or on soft bedding now considered potentially hazardous.

10.  Earlier this season, Sinden felt compelled to travel to New Jersey to put to rest rumors that Burns was about to be fired.

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