1.  As a form of protest, the Bills walked off the field as the Patriots lined up for the extra point.

2.  Despite a heavy drizzle, Bush walked without an umbrella, holding his head high and staring ahead as he strode toward the gathering of veterans.

3.  Despite the School Construction Authority's promise that the school would be done Wednesday, parents walked into a building still abuzz with workers.

4.  Despite their star power, none of the actors walks through this picture.

5.  Down a couple of halls and through a few doors we walk, with Max growing increasingly excited.

6.  During the 1960 Open, Arnold Palmer walked into the shop with Gary Player's golf clubs.

7.  During the first day of the Mavericks' minicamp last month, Smith walked out of camp after assistant coach Donnie Nelson told him to run wind sprints.

8.  During the race she walks around the clubhouse, her face down.

9.  During the summer after his seventh-grade year, Dockett walked into his house in Atlanta to discover his mother, Cheryl, had been murdered.

10.  During two gloriously quiet days spent here near the end of March, I walked for hours along the beach without seeing a single human soul.

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