1.  Amid the screech of squealing pigs, Citizens Against Government Waste releases its latest report on congressional pork.

2.  Despite being off the road, Earl & the Broadcasters released albums for Cambridge's Rounder Records and New Orleans's Blacktop label.

3.  Despite containing less tobacco than a U.S. cigarette, an unfiltered bidi releases at least two to three times more tar and nicotine.

4.  During eight hours of negotiations with the Essex Police Department, the hijackers released the passengers and crew in groups while demanding to speak to Saddah.

5.  During his presidential campaign, McCain released hundreds of pages of medical records that detailed the lingering effects of injuries suffered in a Vietnam prisoner of war camp.

6.  During the menstrual cycle, one of the ovaries releases an egg.

7.  During a five- hour stop at the Al Minhad military base outside Dubai, they released about 35 hostages, including women, children and one injured man.

8.  During the night Wednesday, Lipscomb released two adult captives, both employees of the center.

9.  During that incident, Indian authorities released Saeed and two other Islamic militants in exchange for the 155 passengers and crew.

10.  During the mayoral campaign, Brown released his tax returns showing he had earned $1.15million as a private lawyer from 1991 to 1994.

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