1.  As a Republican U.S. senator, Bob Dole fought for the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and a holiday honoring the Rev. Martin Luther King.

2.  During the Afghan war, MILF volunteers fought alongside mujahedeen.

3.  During the Balkan war of 1912, he fought against the Turks as a Romanian army cannoneer.

4.  During World War II, about 200,000 Filipinos fought alongside American troops under MacArthur, who had recaptured the islands by July 1945.

5.  During the three big periods, the four major networks fight for viewers' attentions with specials, miniseries, movies and stunt-casting.

6.  During World War I, Johnson fought with the 369th Infantry Regiment, an all-black unit under French command.

7.  During World War II, he fought as an infantryman in North Africa and Italy.

8.  During World War II, Kochiyama fought in a Japanese-American Army unit while his wife was in an internment camp in Arkansas.

9.  During one tumultuous afternoon and night, Maxine fights for Shannon's body, Hannah for his soul and Shannon for his redemption.

10.  During world trade talks, France fought for the right to continue taxing U.S.-made movies and to subsidize its own film industry.

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