1.  As for biotech funds, consider that most of the companies in that field are unprofitable.

2.  At a midpoint price of $28.50, most analysts and professional investors consider Kraft slightly overvalued or slightly undervalued compared with other big food companies.

3.  At HealthNet, the committee charged with approving drugs considered it last week, but delayed deciding and said it needed more data, Yukelson said.

4.  Despite the mismatch, The Sun considers the broadsheet Times _ not The Daily News or The New York Post, tabloids both _ to be its natural competitor.

5.  Despite the reversal, Chisholm and others considered that her bid could have had a positive impact on future black women candidates.

6.  For those who consider America a healthily meritocratic country, with a less healthy penchant for political correctness, the past week has been something of a revelation.

7.  In a city known for noise and attitude, a sport considered one of the most contemplative in creation has its devotees.

8.  In Boca Raton, Lou Richt considers that things haven't turned out too badly.

9.  In 1974, violations once considered misdemeanors became felonies, and maximum prison terms rose to three years from one.

10.  In Kansas, the US Supreme Court ruled, someone considered mentally abnormal _ as opposed to mentally ill _ can be held indefinitely to protect the public.

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