1.  As busy DJs, Chemical Brothers Ed Simons and Tom Rowlands must keep the slabs of vinyl in their record crates fresh.

2.  As for me, I'm keeping all my money in my mattress.

3.  As for storing milk, an insulated lunch bag with ice packs will keep the milk fresh until you get home.

4.  Despite the abundance of new product, CBS has kept the building blocks from its current schedule intact.

5.  Despite the Bush administration's new focus on Middle East peace, the participants are keeping their expectations low.

6.  Despite the time that has passed, Israel has kept the investigation active.

7.  During that interval Yeltsin was kept alive by a heart-lung pump that kept the blood circulating through his body while the heart is at rest.

8.  During his flight from the U.S. he was kept alive by a life support system.

9.  Especially in the church we should keep that memory alive."

10.  Except for telephone stocks, other shares, especially in the state-controlled electricity industry, haven't kept pace with the Bovespa's surge.

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