1.  Despite crackdowns and new tests to detect EPO, cyclists and other athletes have continued to abuse the drug.

2.  Despite falling sales, employee layoffs and continued corporate shake-ups in recent years, Apple owners have continued to proselytize for the company and its products.

3.  Despite his Justice Department letter, business has continued to be slow.

4.  Despite a dearth of revenue in the consumer portion of his business, Bloomberg has continued to make deals to provide online news and information.

5.  Despite a slowdown in the general economy, British consumers have continued to spend, helping to fuel a boom in new homes.

6.  Despite Jordan's retirement from the Bulls, team owner Jerry Reinsdorf has continued to pay Jordan his $4 million salary for the last two seasons.

7.  Despite no Olympics, Coca-Cola's ad spending could continue to rise thisng heavily on two new citrus-flavored drige and Citra.

8.  Despite repeated warnings of a slowdown, US companies have continued to boost earnings at a double-digit rate.

9.  Despite the apparent transition of Richards-Gebaur from airport to freight hub, its members will continue to meet in a building near the site.

10.  Despite the consolidation, on some accounts, with billings estimated at $40 million, Bayer will continue to use local or national agencies already on its roster.

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