1.  As he retraced his steps back to the office, mentally planning how to re-route the passengers, he passed by the package again.

2.  Director of Europe's largest garden-design practice, Stevens is a master of long-term planning who disdains the impulse purchase.

3.  Domingo gives further evidence of intelligent planning when he talks about his ever-growing career as a conductor.

4.  EARN-FIN-PLANNING (Undated) _ More large companies are offering family financial planning when employees or their spouses die.

5.  Eckbo had a leading hand in planning what many scholars consider the postwar period's finest subdivision scheme, the 256-acre Ladera Housing Cooperative near Palo Alto.

6.  Farmers also would have wide latitude to plan whatever crops they want.

7.  Eventually, Gilbert admitted that yes, he had planned where to sit that day.

8.  Fines and criminal sentences will hurt Nomura as it tries to negotiate the best deal for the brokerage industry while Japan plans how to deregulate its markets.

9.  For Feigin, "August is the time to plan what I'm missing.

10.  Following Sue's lead, Griffith and her husband, physician Barry Pachman, did extensive planning when their kids came along.

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